Sunday, February 24, 2008

And They're Off!

Dear friends, family, and people I like in general,
As I write this email I am soaring above Seattle. Did you realize that not only is Seattle a fantastic town on foot it is also stunning from an airplane window? From up here the city is quartered off into intricate patterns of trees and roofs with a meandering gray line undulating from Beacon Hill to Wallingford, from Wallingford to Green Lake and on to Snohomish. As the city slips away calm watery bays and jagged snow capped peaks lead you to the Pacific and beyond.
And Beyond is very much what this blog is about. I have been granted the opportunity to travel for a bit. So, passport: check. Sketchbook: check. Bible: check. Oh, and let's not forget the spirit of adventure, we wouldn't want to leave that at home! And we're off!
I will be meeting up with five people along the way. Suzie, Read, Jordan, and Kristen Vaughan as well as my aunt Tamara. So far I am with Kristen and Suzie. Rather than immediately telling you where we are headed I would like to give you hints about where we are headed and then give you the answer in the next message. Sound good? This way you can test your geography skillz and have a fun surprise. If you happen to already know where I am going please don't ruin the suspense for others. :)

Speaking of hints, here are a few for the first place I am going.
1. "Namaste" is the greeting here
2. A simple Albanian nun found her life's calling in this country. She founded the Home for the Dying.
3. "The City of Joy" by LaPierre (an awesome, AWESOME book) takes place here.
4. This country and Pakistan do not get along.
5. Brahman is the dominant god of this nation's main religion.

Well, there you have it! Much love, Kadyn